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Monday, December 14, 2009


For about a year or so now i have been acting more like a teenager or child than the 23 yearold woman that i am. I leave things for the last minute, especially chores, when i know i can get away with it (like when Master will not be around to see my house in a horrible state of disarray), make excuses for not doing things, and generally can get pretty lazy during the week. Master made a point to me last night, that little slaves like me need and can crave the tight leash, that i need him to watch things constantly or slack off and have a tendency to misbehave or get an attitude. As usual, Master is quite correct. I'm not always sure what it is that causes this, as i like to please my Master and most of the time try very hard to be a good girl. I guess part of it is lack of motivaton and a lean toward procrastination. I like schedules. Not exactly micromanagement, but more "Today you must accomplish A. B. and C." or "Every day you should spend ___ minutes doing this" It keeps me focused and reminds me that no matter how far away he is, and though he cannot see it at the moment, My Master is always with me, always watching out for me, always cares.

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